Problems with prostate
Presentation from the IV. Conference on autopathy 2012
I came into contact with autopathy for the first time in 2008, when my husband suffered from a pain in the knee when lifting. He had an appointment with an orthopaedist (it should take place in approximately two weeks), but a physician friend, who is at the same time a homeopath, had recommended autopathy to us and brought us an autopathy bottle. After its application the problems almost immediately stopped, my husband cancelled the appointment at the orthopaedist and does not have any problems since then. In the past he had the same problem with the other knee, where inborn weakness – a membrane that was not absorbed, had to be removed surgically.
Autopathy helped my husband also with chronic skin problems, when in the past he had to undergo every winter a light therapy in a hospital and could not be without corticoid creams.
I started then to be more interested in autopathy and took part in the autopathic courses which I completed with a certificate on the 21.10.2009.
After this I decided to study at the Homeopathic Academy.
Beside autopathy and homeopathy I work also with green alkaloid foods, Chlorella and young barley.
Presentation that I prepared deals with prostate problems, swollen nodules and increased PSA – prostate specific antigen.
12. 7. 2011
Client – 57 years, problem with prostate, urination, enlarged nodules like hard pellets, when seated pain from below.
Problem in sexual intercourse, when urinating, he can only partly empty himself. Previous antibiotics treatment was without effect. Sperm test made, sonography identified constriction in a part of the urinary bladder, value PSA is over 6,31.
Supplementary information about the client:
In childhood he had bone tuberculosis, his mother died not long ago on lung cancer, his sister died aged 53 on strong asthma, his cousins are now in treatment for prostate cancer.
We have very little time, three weeks, on the 2.8.2011 he has an appointment for a blood test before biopsy.
I chose autopathic detoxification with boiled breath and this: 3x every second day 1,5 l, 3x every second day 3 l, and then continue 3x 4,5 l once a week.
I supplemented the therapy with a homeopathic remedy Thuja 30C – 5 days into 2,5 dcl water, take one sip 2x day, (homeopathic remedy is determined individually, one cannot generalize), 2x a day 1/2 teaspoon cooking soda in water. For the diet I recommended to include more alkaline foods and gave him a list of foods according to pH, green or herbal tea with a teaspoon of sugarcane molasses 2x a day, and a Chlorella pyrenoidosa for its high content of chlorophyll, and its cleaning and antioxidant properties. I recommended to reduce alcohol, strong coffee, leave out menthol and camphor.
26. 7. 2011 – Follow-up consultation
In the past he experienced pain while sitting – now the prostate is hurting, diarrhoea, pressure and urination during diarrhoea, urinates more frequently, but sleeps better.
I recommended to continue with autopathy and alkalization, later in succession to increase to 6 l 1x in 14 days -breath – without boiling.
Made another appointment for 17.8.2011.
On the telephone the client told me the result of PSA -6.00, biopsy was postponed, a control check- up with the physician is planned in 3 months’ time.
On 17.8.2011 he did not come to the consultation, he left me a message that he feels well, the problems with urinating are passing, he does not have pain.
The subsequent tests in November 2011 – PSA – 5,5 , nodules no longer swollen, he does not have problem with urinating, he feels healthy.
Currently he regularly uses only cooking soda dissolved in water, he reduced alcohol to a Pilsener 12 (a beer), and is happy.