Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"

An article by J.Cehovsky about autopathy was published in Homeopathic Links

A comprehensive article about autopathy written by Jiri Cehovsly “Autopathy – an Unknown Area of Homeopathy” was published in the issue 2/06 of the renowned international medical magazine Homeopathic Links. The magazine is published by German medical publishing company Sonntag Verlag in Stuttgart and its redaction office is located in …

The book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony published in German

The book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony was published in German translation by the publishing house Windpferd under the title Speichel der heilende Saft …


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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Self-treatment of chronic diseases