Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"
Instructions moved
For better clarity we moved written and video instructions from the page Autopathy Bottle to the new page Instructions.…
New videos in testimonials: depression and water warts
We posted two new videos in testimonials: depression and water warts.…
Webinar: Parasites and autopathic treatment
Until recently wasn´t known that many chronic diseases are caused by parasites. Autopathy can remedy both the cause and the aftermath.
Join our videomeeting with Jiri Cehovsky.
The two hour webinar that will be conducted in English is free of charge and takes place on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 17:00 …
We set up a new Autopathy page on Facebook. Join us…
Article Autopathy: A Similimum from the Patient published at
Autopathy: A Similimum from the Patient
New article by Jiri Cehovsky at
A new article by Jiri Cehovsky Autopathy – Self-Healing by Vital Force has been published at the homeopathy portal…
New instruction videos and user testimonials
We have made new videos with instructions of how to make an autopathic dilution. At will find video instructions for the preparation of various kinds of autopathic dilutions. The section Testimonials contains new contributions from users of autopathy.
Autopathy – homeopathy without homeopathic remedies (video)
Jiri Cehovsky, Paracelsus fair 16 – 18. 10. 2015 in Düsseldorf, Germany
Interview with Jiri Cehovsky at Paracelsus Fair in Düsseldorf (Germany) 2015
Webinar – October 2015
Join our videomeeting with Jiri Cehovsky. An introduction to Autopathy and discussion. The two hour webinar that will be conducted in English is free of charge and takes place on 21th October 2015 from 18:00 Prague/Berlin time. Click here for registration.…
Repeated Flu, Fevers, ATBs
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.