Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"
Jiri Cehovsky on the health film portal
Talk with Jiri Cehovsky (in Czech) on a health film portal Zdravi HERE…Jiri Cehovsky in Czech TV (Channel CT 1, 30.10.2013)
On 30.10.2013 Jiri Cehovsky spoke in Czech TV about autopathy and its use in self-healing. You can see the talk in the TV archive (in Czech language):…
Webinar in English
We have prepared for you a series of webinars Autopathy I – III. During these two hour online meetings with Jiri Cehovsky, author of books on the method, you will learn how to use autopathy. The webinars are in English, free of charge.
Further information here…
Webinar with Jiri Cehovsky
We invite you to a short videomeeting with Jiri Cehovsky. An introduction to Autopathy and discussion. The one hour webinar that will be conducted in English is free of charge and takes place on 26th September 2013. You can register here.…
Video-consultations via Skype
For those interested in autopathic healing but who prefer not to apply self-healing according to books or instructions and information on the web and who do not have a qualified consultant near their place of residence, we provide the possibility of individual consultations over Skype.…
Jiri Cehovsky on Twitter
You can visit Jiri Cehovky on Twitter.…
Articles about autopathy – other websites
A review of the book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony by Dr. Anoop Kumar Srivastava. The review of the book published in the Spring 07 issue of the journal The Homeopath Article on autopathy published in India. J. Cehovsky’s article on autopathy was published in the Spring issue of…Articles about autopathy on
Articles on autopathy published on the world’s leading homeopathy portal
Autopathy – Six Cases Autopathic Detoxication Autopathic detoxication II Autopathy: Healing with potentized Saliva A book “Get Well with Autopathy” reviewed by Alan SchmuklerA new article will be published soon.…
Dr. Tomas Lebenhart not only about autopathy in Internet TV
Here you will find an interview with s Dr. Tomas Lebenhart made by Internet television In Czech language.…
Autopathy bottle – video instructions
Short video demonstration of how to make an autopathic dilution from breath. It is a suitable supplement to the written instructions and is intended especially for those who make the atopathic dilution for the first time. Videos with other possibilities of making the autopathic dilution will follow soon. The written …
Repeated Flu, Fevers, ATBs
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.