Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"
Our new website
We have prepared the new website for you so that it is easy to use. For this purpose we have changed its structure and design, to make it more transparent and easy to navigate through. Any suggestions for further improvement will be very welcome.
We hope that you will like …
J. Cehovsky’s lecture in the Town Library in Prague
6. 2. 2013 J. Cehovsky’s lecture with the title How do I cure myself takes place in the Town Library in Prague…
Spring seminar on autopathy 2013
Our Spring practical seminar on autopathy takes place already in March this year .…
Conference 2013
Registrations for the conference are closed, unfortunately we do not have further places.…
Information about the December course Autopathy II
We ask the people who completed the course Autopathy I and wish to take part in the course Autopathy II in Prague or Brno in December 2012, to please register per email or per telephone as the number of places available is limited.…
Seminar about new trends in autopathy
A seminar with the title New Trends in Autopathy will take place in November 2012. It is intended especially for people who completed the course Autopathy III, but also for other people who have advanced knowledge in the use of autopathy.…
Lecture: Autopathy, a 3000 years old method
The lecture Autopathy, a 3000 years old method will take place at the castle Karlova Koruna in Chlumec nad Cidlina in the frame of the weekend Čarování pod Královskou korunou on the 18th of August 2012 at 13:15.…
Review of the English version of the book Get Well with Autopathy
A detailed review of the English version of J.Cehovsky’s book Get Well with Autopathy was published in the July edition of the most read American online magazine about homeopathy It is written by the well known homeopath and chief editor of the magazine Alan Schmukler. The author familiarises with …
Courses Autopathy I – autumn 2012
Courses Autopathy I will take place in the autumn in Ostrava, Bratislava, Prague, Brno and Ceske Budejovice.…
Jiri Cehovsky about autopathy in the Czech TV
29. 10. 2011 Czech TV braodcasted in the frame of the program School of life a discussion about health from the Theatre na Kampe, in which Jiri Cehovsky participated. He spoke about autopathy and its social context. The whole four-hour discussion can be viewed in the archive of Czech TV …
Repeated Flu, Fevers, ATBs
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.