Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"
Articles about autopathy in popular homeopathic sites in the USA
Articles in popular homeopathic sites in the USA: Autopathy – Six Cases, Autopathic Detoxication, Autopathic detoxication II, Autopathy: Healing with potentized Saliva…
Program about autopathy in Slovak TV
17. 5. program about autopathy in STV (from 12. minute)…
An article about autopathy published at
An extensive article about autopathy “Autopathy: Healing with potentized Saliva” was issued in the prestigious online homeopathic magazine, published in the USA.…
Program of the Conference on Autopathy 2010
Here you will find the program (in Czech) from a current conference on Autopathy 2010. Sound recording can be ordered here.…
Lecture about autopathy in the Municipal Library in Prague
4. 3. 2009 a two hour information lecture (in Czech) by Jiri Cehovsky takes place in the Municipal Library in Prague, small all, at 17.00, in the frame of circular lecture series organised by the magazin Medunka and the association SALOCO.…
Diabetes and chizophrenia cured
Here you can hear one of the presentations from the Conference on Autopathy 2009. It is a case of a cured diabetes and schizophrenia. Recording of the whole conference on CD can be ordered from our e-shop. Both recordings are in Czech. …
Review by an Indian physician of the English issue of the book Autopathy, a Homeopathic Journey to Harmony
A review by an Indian physician and homeopath Dr. Anoop Kumar Srivastava of the English issue of Autopathy, a Hopeopathic Journey to Harmony, was published in specialized Indian medical Internet site. Dr. Srivastava reviews the book positively and also states: „This is a wonderful book and the concept is worth …
Article about autopathy published in Homeopathic Horizon
Article about autopathy was published in the Indian homeopathic site Homeopathic Horizon…
The book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony published
The book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony was published in USA and Great Britain…
A review of the book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony in the English magazine The Homeopath
In the spring issue of the English magazine The Homeopath (the printed magazine of The Society of Homeopaths) appeared a positive review of J.Cehovsky’s book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony. The book was reviewed by a homeopath John Morgan. He points out amongst other things the connection between Cehovsky’s …
Repeated Flu, Fevers, ATBs
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.