Publikované příspěvky autora "Jiri Cehovsky"

Autopathy from Prana and Universal Love

A preparation from the 7th chakra transmits perfect vibrating information from the subtle energy center of a person, located 15 to 25 cm above the head, into the system of lower chakras that govern the mind and body. This information is homeopathically diluted to affect the subtle astral body, which …

Autopathy Conference 2025

Dear colleagues and friends of autopathy,

The conference is coming again. The chance to share and get information and learn how it works. For the past 16 years, we’ve gathered at every turn of January and February. I believe this 17. meeting will be just as valuable for participants and …

The Power of One’s Own Decision

We enhance or ruin our lives, among other things, through our own decisions.

A fifty-year-old woman had problems throughout her life and always let things take their conventional course. But then she thought: What if I finally tried to take things into my own hands, at least a little? When …

Self-help cure of depression and migraines after webinar on autopathy

A lady over fifty came to me and explained why she did that:

She had suffered from migraines since she was twenty, for more than thirty years.

She also had severe depressions in the last year. She immediately added: “I don’t have them anymore. They passed after autopathy – and …

Eczema, bad health and the return to harmony

The cure of eczema and other allergic conditions is not uncommon in autopathy and was reported many time at annual  conferences or on the internet. Here is another case showing that it can be done, although it may not always be a simple path.

A mother comes to my practice …

Twenty years on autopathy

She first came to me in the late nineties, she was 35 years old, with 2 children. Main physical complaint – back pain in sacral region radiating to loins, getting worse when working in the kitchen, improved by hiking. After the birth of her 1st child, problems with urinating began, …

A story from another world?

A girl, 4 years old. Allergies, tonsillitis, bronchitis, eczema and other problems so often plaguing today’s child population – she does not know them at all. Her parents think that it is because she has been treated with autopathy for a long time, practically since birth. Autopathic preparation is used …

Forgetting autopathy: A case of unnecessary suffering

Middle-aged woman, initial interview in 2006:

Psychic problems, anxiety states. They appeare in certain periods of her life, recently she has been having really big problems. However, feelings of fear have plagued her since childhood. Her chest tightness, usually in the morning, increased anxiety, deep depression. It was the worst …

Joint pain

A woman in her 60s, clearly overweight. Her problem is arthritis, joint pain. It restricts her movement. The pain often wakes her up, she sleeps poorly.

It started in the thumb of the right hand, then four years ago, her right knee became sore – the doctor found it to …

Boiled saliva and breath or There is always something new to discover

In our practice we are always discovering something new.  This includes also the methods and techniques of autopathy, with which we are already well acquainted, have been using them for years and which are described in my books. Lately, I have been recommending boiled saliva and breath (BSB) quite often, …


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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Self-treatment of chronic diseases

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