Publikované příspěvky autora "Jiri Cehovsky"
Three cases of autopathy
Eliska, 59 years old (looked 10 years older), came to me on crutches and with an escort. She can hardly walk. She has permanent pain in the knee and especially in the hip joint, the problems in this area started seven years ago. The pain is so strong that …
Autopathy – harmony from own saliva I.
The article series was published in the magazine Medunka in the year 2006.
Own urine can heal. We know this since a long time. Urinotherapy is not an unknown method, it has a thousand year old tradition. Various books were published on this subject. Also own blood can serve as …
7.1.2025 in Articles and videos
Immediate Relief of Long-Term Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Using Autopathy – Two Cases
3.1.2025 in Cases
Joint and Gallbladder Pain, Insomnia…
2.1.2025 in Cases
Treatment of Two Cases of Addiction
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.
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