Publikované příspěvky autora "Jiri Cehovsky"
Autopathy: A Forgotten Method
Essential for the health of the mind and body of a human being is his subtle energy system. The founder of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann called it two hundred years ago the „vital force“, in Indian traditional healing it is called „prana” and in China it is called „chi“. When we …
More about preparation from prana
I would like to supplement my article Preparation from prana, published four months ago, by some more experiences and related general perceptions:
We know since a long time that the best effect in autopathy is achieved when we arrive at the optimal level of dilution – or level …
Report from Conference 2013
V. conference about autopathy took place in Prague 9.2.2013 with a large attendance of autopathy practitioners. From the 14th contributions, four were presented by medical practitioners and the rest by healers, or they concerned self-healing or healing of someone in the family. Four participants reported about the effects of a …
Preparation made of prana
Here is the newest way of making a preparation. At the beginning most of the people had reacted in an extraordinary way. Extraordinary, even within the frame of autopathy, where everything tends to be extraordinary at least to some degree.
A some time ago a young lady came to me, …
“…simply miracle.”
I have exchanged with Mrs. M. the three emails below. Then I asked her if I may publish our email correspondence so that her experiences can help also others suffering of similar problems and she agreed. I have never met her. JC
Dear Mr. Cehovsky,
Please advise me. I …
Practical overview of methods and strategies of autopathy
For the full comprehension of this overview it is good to have read the book Get well with autopathy, 4th extended edition, and/or have participated in the course and have also read the articles on these pages, especially Autopathic detoxification 1 and 2 and Potency from own breath heals…
Atypical autism and hearing impairment
From the magazine Medunka 6/2011
Autopathy is a method of healing, based on classical homeopathy. It was already used in ancient India. It heals and harmonises the whole of body and mind. It has the ability, as shown in the many cases, to restore health, and this also then, when …
Pain treatment
Chronic pain is one of the main sources of suffering of people of today. It is not unusual. We only have to think how many chemical drugs against pain are offered by TV advertisements. Thanks to these advertisements, various entertainment programs can be financed, whose main goal is to give …
Kundika upanishad
To go to the English translation of “Kundika Upanishad”, simply type to the search engin its name and add pdf
Kundika upanishad is a part of ancient Veda.
“Upanishads (in devanagari उपनिषद् ) are ancient Indian literary works of religious-philosophical character and represent part of hinduistic cultural tradition. They are …
Autopathy and flu
Autopathy has proved to be effective, especially in the colder seasons of the year, in healing acute states of fever, flu, inflammation of the upper air passages, etc. It is interesting that after having used autopathy, the persons had a markedly lower inclination to further illnesses.
Effective was especially application …
Immediate Relief of Long-Term Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Using Autopathy – Two Cases
Joint and Gallbladder Pain, Insomnia…
Treatment of Two Cases of Addiction
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.
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