Publikované příspěvky autora "Jiri Cehovsky"

Autopathy – harmony from own saliva V.

The article series was published in the magazine Medunka in 2006.

In the previous articles of this series about this new and at the same time ancient method called autopathy, we have dealt with the basics of its philosophy and techniques. Today we will present a few short descriptions of …

Autopathic self-healing

In simplicity is strength

We can proceed in self-healing according to simplified rules, which have proved to be effective in the recent time. I also use them when I advise my clients (of course with individual modifications). Autopathy is actually in the meaning of the word always a form of …

Autopathy improves also animal health

Summary: Autopathy is a method returning health which developed from classical homeopathy. Autopathy influences positively the central fine matter spiritual self-organizing principle of the organism. It has excellent results, especially in cases of chronic ailments in man and animals. Potentised preparation from own bodily fluid of the influenced organism

Autopathy – harmony from own saliva IV.

The article series was published in the magazine Medunka in 2006.

Autopathy, or holistic healing through homoeopathically potentized own saliva, has its tradition. Mainly in homeopathy itself, where many French or English homeopaths, like Dr. Bon Hoa, Dr. McLeod, Dr. Julian and others, used for healing of persons or animals …

Cases of chronic eczema

Slim thirty years old woman with red face, two university degrees, a passionate skier, told me this story: since one year of age she suffers from atopic eczema. It was the worst in the earliest age. Her whole life she has been treating it with corticoids, creams and other medicaments. …


High school student. She came to me in November because of a headache. This year she had it very often, in the last two months all the time. She went through many medical examinations including CT (X-ray computed tomography), but a cause or a solution was not found. Besides this, …

Autopathy – harmony from own saliva III.

The article series was published in the magazine Medunka in 2006

In the previous two parts of the series I have already written something about the principles of autopathy and about the determination of the level of the homeopathic dilution from own saliva. How does it go on?

Autopathic healing …

Two cases of autopathy

Because I often recommend autopathy to my clients and have more than two years of experience with it, which is literally overwhelming, I assume that it is my duty to remind of it sometimes. I am doing it this time by presenting two cases of long-term chronic disorders. Both were …

Autopathy – harmony from own saliva II.

The article series was published in the magazine Medunka in 2006.

In the last issue I have spoken about autopathy (a new branch of homeopathy with an old tradition) that can remove disharmonies from our body and mind. Also the chronic, deeply settled ones, which afflicted us many years. This …

From the book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony

3. Fine-Matter Substances

The personal preparation of homeopathic potencies is an invaluable life experience. It opens up new space for reflection. At the pharmacy, homeopathic pills in glass or plastic bottles are virtually indistinguishable from other medicines. But when you come to prepare a homeopathic remedy yourself, following the same …


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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