Publikované příspěvky autora "Krystof Cehovsky"
Interview with the psychologist Veronika Kucerova during the break of the seminar Autopathy for Advanced in Prague in November 2016 (video)
Psoriasis: almost everyone can help himself
A man, 23 years of age, asked me for a consultation. He had psoriasis since many years. In 2015, after having read the book Get Well with Autopathy, he started practicing autopathy himself. As you will read below, he was very successful as a „lay practitioner„.
Before our consultation, he …
New method of healing chronic diseases
Published in the magazine Bylinky revue 9/2015
Autopathy is a way to health, a holistic approach developed from classical homeopathy, which positively stimulates the human organism. It is a new method, whose principles were already applied in the past and which uses homoeopathically prepared information contained in saliva, breath or …
A case of eczema: Even a small change in the potency can have a large effect
In the spring, a woman came to me with her one-year-old son, who has been suffering already since 9 months with eczema. The eczema had gradually spread from the area between the shoulder blades to the shoulders, then to the chest, the face, the genital area, the calves and the …
Autopathic preparation from pus – rescued at the last moment
I usually write case studies of my clients, but this time I would like to share my own experience with autopathy from the viewpoint of the healed.
This happened about six years ago, when I was 22 years old. At that time I used autopathy only occasionally during various virus …
Diabetes II: Return to health after first weeks of using autopathy
Man of 50 years of age came to me for consultation in the middle of May. Seven years ago he was diagnosed with type II diabetes – lowered sensitivity of body tissues to insulin. Since the medical diagnosis he has been taking all the time Amaryl, 3x a day. The …
Healing ulcerative colitis, autopathic dilution from stool and prana
Case 1: A middle-aged managerSince 14 years diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He notes on average 6-9x a day a runny till watery stool with blood. He is strongly bothered by it, he has to adapt his daily agendato it . It affects also his sleep – he often wakes …
Joint pain and a rush
A middle aged woman suffers since many years with joint pain. The worst is the right wrist, which hurts both during movement and rest. In both shoulders, more the right one, she feels strong stabbing pain when she moves. She is also bothered by a feeling of strain in the …
Immediate relief from menstrual pain
Woman aged 28 sufferes her whole life from menstrual pain that is the worst in the first two days. Strong pain in the lower abdomen connected with irregular heartbeat and feeling faint. After single use of autopathic preparation from heated breath dilluted with 8 litres that she took in acute …
Immediate Relief of Long-Term Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Using Autopathy – Two Cases
Joint and Gallbladder Pain, Insomnia…
Treatment of Two Cases of Addiction
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.
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