Articles and videos

Interview with Jiri Cehovsky at Paracelsus Fair in Düsseldorf (Germany) 2015

21.10.2015 | Filip Cehovsky

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A few philosophical questions

11.7.2015 | Jiri Cehovsky

A woman came to me. She has been practicing autopathy successfully herself, for her children and the whole of her family, for her friends, and this already since several years. She surprised me by some unexpected questions.

Question: I have a friend who has been taking part in family constellations

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Autopathy: Self-healing of chronic diseases (video)

15.5.2015 | Filip Cehovsky

Interview with Jiri Cehovsky

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Autopathy made of prana

11.12.2014 | Mgr. Veronika Kucerova

Presented in the conference on autopathy, February 2014

I have been actively using autopathy in healing since three years (lately also for interesting experiments) and this not only for self-healing, but also very successfully for healing of my whole family and a wide clientele, which I implement in the frame …

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Prana – a simple procedure

10.10.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky

After much experience, we have arrived at a very simple procedure in the preparation from prana, which can be described in a few sentences and can be applied in almost all cases, even without the help of a consultant. We simply start from our own feelings. These are the only …

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Chronic fear (video)

17.9.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky

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Heightened intuition and awareness of higher guidance

26.5.2014 | Zdenka Dukatova

A contribution presented at the 6th conference on autopathy, February 2014

 It is a case of own experience with autopathy from prana 1. This is how it had taken place: In the summer of 2013, simply out of curiosity, I wanted to try an autopathic application from prana 1. I …

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A few photos from the 6th Conference

6.4.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky

At the beginning of February we have met as usual to recapitulate what have we achieved, what experiences have we made and what captivated us enough to want to share it with others. Presented were seventeen contributions, all about the improvement and most frequently about curing of illnesses, which are …

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Prana 5, Combination of prana and bodily information

5.2.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky

Contribution from the VI Conference on Autopathy, February 2014

Prana 5

The autopathic dilution from prana is prepared from information gained from the 7th chakra. The preparation has its own genesis. In the basic procedure, the potentized dilution is applied to the 6th chakra. This procedure is still valid and …

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A case history – how and why to write it

5.1.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky

Case histories, or descriptions of concrete cases treated, are written and published in the conventional medicine and are part of the so called “evidence-based medicine”. Also homeopaths have been writing and publishing case histories in professional magazines or books for already two hundred years. There are several reasons for this. …

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