He felt like when he was young
One of the cases in my current practice is that of a 70-year-old man, farmer. He was registered for a consultation with me by his daughter, who uses autopathy herself and for her children.
The man is somewhat cautious and distrustful of autopathy, but he spoke openly, albeit briefly, about his problems.
His hip hurts, according to doctors, the joint has to be replaced, the disintegration of the joint cartilage is already considerable. He is also bothered by rheumatic pain in the fingers, the joints have already begun to visibly deform.
He has an enlarged prostate and has to visit the toilet very often. It bothers him especially in the evening. Sometimes, even when the urge is strong, he can’t pass water. Recently, he has been very often bothered by feelings of quickened heartbeat, which is an unsatisfactory situation.
He has been having breathing problems for a long time. A few days ago, he even had a pulmonary embolism with a blood clot. He has been taking a blood thinner for this. Subjectively, his breathing has not been improving much.
Dosage: 14 days 3 l every second day, alternating BB (boiled breath) and B (breath); the following 14 days 4,5 l every second day and alternate BB and B.
The follow-up consultation took place over a month later. The client said it was strange, but a lot has improved. Specifically, it developed as follows:
He has no problem with breathing, even when going up the stairs.
He remembered that he used to have a headache almost all the time – he became aware of it now in the last few days, when it had stopped.
He does not go to the toilet as often and urination is more comfortable than before.
The strange heartbeat is gone.
His finger and hip joints continue hurting in a similar way as before – the mechanical deformations are already considerable.
I recommended continuing with 4,5 l BB, alternating with B every second day. The next consultation took place after another two months of using autopathy. With the exception of the hip and the deformed fingers, he is healthy. He speaks cheerfully. He still has a distrustful attitude towards autopathy, but he intends to continue with it because he feels “like when he was young”.
I recommended 4,5 l BB and B, alternating it, to prevent the eventual return of the long-term problems that were already overcome. After some time, I recommended extending the interval between the uses by two days.