Eleventh Chapter THE ROLE OF HOMEOPATHY IN TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF DISEASES Homeopathy is the most widespread "alternative" method of treatment. The reason for this are its results. Many homeopaths, we must however add the classical homeopaths, reject the term "alternative". They maintain that homeopathy is the only alternative, therefore there is no need to use this word. If homeopathy has no remedy for some disease, no one has it. On the contrary, anything that can be cured by the classical allopathic treatment, can be also cured homeopathically, if the rules of classical homeopathy are properly followed, and the substantial advantages of homeopathy are then maintained, those of non use of chemical drugs, almost imperceptible amount of remedy, spontaneous cure within the laws of nature, and the consequential preventative effect. In addition to this, homeopathy cures even the diseases, which the classical medicine quite openly declares as incurable and which it names the chronic diseases. In this chapter we will be looking at such cases. Let's begin with a classic. The following was recorded at the beginning of the century by the American homeopath James Tyler Kent in his Lesser Writings. Diabetes “Case. -July 2nd, 1890. male, tall, well-formed, aged forty-seven. This illness has been comming on about three years ; has lost thirty-five pounds in weight and is loosing steadily. Ability to exercise steadily growing less. Sleepless nights. Two years ago had occasional atacks of diarhoea , accompanied with abdominal suffering; after these attacks the sleeplessness increased. Sometimes the pain in abdomen keeps him awake nights. Dull aching diffused through abdomen; worse nights; worse when lying during day. Copious perspiration on slight exertion. Very nervous, must keep in motion. Stool light colored. Violent pulsation felt in body. Strong action of the heart and full rapid pulse, 95 to 100. Had “grippe” last winter and has been loosing musch faster since. Greasy cuticle on the urine. Brickdust in urine, not always. Excitement often brings on a sensation as though the head or scull is divided above the ears, and lifted up and down.Can sleep in one position as well as in another. Heat overcomes him quickly but he is not sensitiv to cold. Weak from exertion of body and mind. Must arise in the night to pass urine. Quantity of urine four to five pints. Specific gravity of the urine, 1030 to 1035. Fermentation test gives sugar twelve to fifteen grains per ounce. Rumbling in abdomen. This patient has visited several allopathic physicians who had given him many strong drugs, especially Podo., Strych. He had not received any homeopathic advice. Thirst for cold water. Smarting of anus. Has been told he had fissure of anus. A few days later after a careful study of all remedies related to the case he received Phos. cm, which was fallowed by a sharp aggravation of all symptoms. He improved steadily without further medicine until October 31st, when his symptomps began to return. The sugar disappeared from the urine within a month, and has not since appeared. October 31st same year Phos. mm. He is in perfect health, doing active brain work, and his endurance is as great as ever. Naturally, diabetes is being treated in the present times. So long as the patient is otherwise relatively in a good condition, not too old, and has not suffered from the disease for too long (decades, for instance), after a careful search for the similimum based on the totality of all symptoms (the constitutional remedy), he/she can be relieved of the problems. In such cases it is possible to gradually, following the results of pathological testing, reduce the amount of injected insulin. Only congenital diabetes, where the level of sugar in blood was high from the moment of birth, are considered by some modern homeopaths to be completely incurable. With an overwhelming majority of congenital diseases and disorders, where the organs were structurally changed from the very beginning, the prognoses of homeopaths are sceptical and they usually cannot promise a total cure. I am involved as an editor in the publication of the magazine for classical homeopathic treatment. It is named simply Homeopatie, and it issues translations from the foreign speciality press, and also the news of happenings at home and abroad. An important part is the column, in which the Czech and Moravian doctors publish short reviews of their cases. In an article by Dr. Josef Kreml from Kromeriz, there is the report of a successful treatment of the problem that troubles many women and married couples, subjected to different therapies, often without a result. Functional infertility in women It relates to the homeopathic treatment of functional infertility in the cases of nineteen women, between 23 and 34 years of age. The longest period of the desired conception was 9 years, the shortest 3 years. In all cases, married couples were involved, with the complete gynaecological examinations, including the hormonal analysis. The men were sexuologically examined. With the couples there were no sexual disorders, there were no organic causes of infertility with the women. The classical medicine relates the causes of functional infertility as follows: 1. Psychological factors - not closely identified. 2. Spinal disorders with reflective influence on the womb. 3. Autoimmunity (usually involving antisubstances against the male sperms. 4. Concealed, i.e. undetected slight hormonal disorder. In the course of two years of treatment, fifteen of the nineteen women became pregnant. Three have already born healthy children. Of the remaining four, one is still not pregnant, I have no news of the other three, who did not come to the control. I had not treated the men homeopathically. The constitutional treatment was involved, with the following remedies used: PHOSPHORUS 2x PULSATILA 3x LACHESIS 10x (Further I cite the report on one case of Pulsatila) Involved was a 23 years old nurse who had been trying to conceive for the past four years. Her sexuality is rather on the higher side. She lives with her husband's parents. Even though they have a room on their own, there is an increased tension between herself and her mother-in-law, she tends to withdraw, communicates less with her husband, who keeps asking "what's happening to you". She feels that she is distancing herself from her husband's family, and the very image of being with a child in this environment traumatises her. When I ask her if she thinks that her husband loves her, she spontaneously begins to cry, she says that lately she cries with any delicate scene on TV, and cannot explain to her husband why she does it. When I suggest that instead of the therapy, the problem might be solved by finding a separate flat, she retards: "Even when I'd found one, I couldn't convince my husband that we should leave, as much as I'd wished to." When given Puls LM VI, at the first control she appeared to have changed, not being so tearful. Seven months later she fell pregnant and, against the expectations, she forced the issue of moving. She says: "Our circumstances are poorer, but the flat is ours." The husband loves her even more. A month ago she bore a healthy girl. Very dangerous and difficult illness is the bronchial asthma. The classical medical science uses various medications, from broncho-dilatational sprays to corticoids, which should offer some relief, particularly during the asthma attacks that could even endanger life. It has no remedy however, to cure the illness. Sadly, nowadays even very small children fall victim to this chronic disease. I cite the case of Dr. Petr Pudil from Prague (Homeopatie 3/1994): Jakub B. 5 years Anamnesis: From two months of age, "atopical" eczema, beginning in March. In the course of last year the respiration problems deepened. Beginning in autumn. The asthma currently without accompanying fever. In regular two months intervals, asthma lasting several weeks. No expectoration. Dry cough at night. Persistent head cold 1 year. 1x tonsillitis, 1x mesotitis. Illnesses begin before noon. Colds: erosinal, mornings. Not at night. Asthma: Attacks of dry night cough, before and after midnight. Mostly evening and before midnight. Improved by cold air. The asthma attacks are worse in winter. Eating and drinking: Medium appetite, likes sweets, soups (he lets them cool down conspicuously). Meat, fish and salty food he does not like much. He drinks large amounts of liquids, likes cold drinks. Even when ill with a sore throat, still prefers cold drinks. Daily routine: Does not like to get up, whimpers, but after several minutes wakes up and is active and happy till night. Difficult to go to sleep, wants to have his mother present, wants to have the light on. Falls asleep on his back. If he wakes up, it is usually because of the cough, most often around midnight. Does not get up at night, wants to have a drink by his bed. Normally does not dream, when ill, dreams of spiders and mice. Psychology: Psycho-motor development noticeably accented. Very handy, extroverted, aesthetically developed, paints, very tidy, likes to be nicely dressed. Likes the fire. Enters into conflicts, emotive, easy to flare up over trifles, can rage for an hour. Logorrhoea. So much so that sometimes it is impossible to communicate with him. Able to stay on his own and amuse himself. Psychologically worse at the dusk. Sad. Does not like thunderstorms. Tiredness: When healthy, he is full of energy until he fall into bed at night. Dejected when ill, withers, falls asleep repeatedly during day. After sleep, his condition improves. Walks with little clothes on. Likes roll up jumpers. The therapy: The boy has been continuously treated by suppressive remedies. Allopathic early on, lately with homeopathic remedies. In the past at the children's' clinic given bronchodilatantia, sedatives, antihistaminics, antiusics. In the last two months continuously taking Zaditen. Never hospitalised. In the past months treated with low homeopathic potencies from the company xxxxx, particularly Drosera, Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium. The results of the allopathic treatment and the treatment with low homeopathic potencies were the same. The condition is deteriorating. On 4.9.1994 a dose of Phosphorus 200 CH was applied. Zaditen was ceased. In the first days after application there were rashes of fear, in the following days the cough had stopped, attacks of ill temper came. On 24th day a short intensive asthma. The following day the eczema became worse. The boy without problems, on 40th day a little asthma and aggravation of the eczema. In the following months the eczema was barely discernible, only a suggestion of cough, if any. No asthma. Chronic inflammation of intestines The case described by Dr. Pavla Hrdlickova from Prague shows how even a long lasting problem can be easily managed, provided that the constitutional remedy is found. Note how the homeopath dwells on the situations that help to picture the patient's psychological condition, which may add a dimension of fiction to the description. However, it is very functional. (Homeopatie 2/1994): Thirty seven year old lady, who comes to visit me as her GP. In the past she has suffered from heavy migraines, sore joints and recurrent diarrhoea. These had begun in 1986. The rectoscopy was performed then, revealing only haemorrhoids, but no other pathology. In 1990 she had recurrent pains in the left side of abdomen, subfebrilia and diarrhoea with admixture of blood. I referred her to the gastroentrological examination. A hemorganical protocolititis was detected, and a massive anti-inflammatory treatment had commenced. In the course of the next two years she had undertaken eleven coloscopical examinations and received approximately 1500 tablets of Salofalk. Her condition was intermittent, after remissions came diarrhoea with blood, fever and overall lassitude. The patient was very much resigned to her illness, examinations and treatment. As if she had no desire nor strength to cope with her illness. When the latest remission had lasted for three months and the lady was both physically and psychologically exhausted, I said to myself that this was enough, I had to try to do something for her. I had suggested a homeopathic treatment, though I normally do not recommend homeopathy to my regular patients. She had accepted this as she did all the previous recommendations - with conciliatory resignation. During the interview I had found many matching symptoms. When she had no diarrhoea, she had for several days, particularly before menstruating, constipation with a hard lumpy stool. Her stomach rumbled, so much so that it causes her embarrassment. She kept to her diet, otherwise she likes meat, sweets, sour (pickles from gherkins) and pepper. She drunk relatively much. She liked tepid herbal tea the best. She has been menstruating since sixteen years of age, irregularly, for two days with the accompanying back pains that shoot forward. She felt as if she were being dissected. She has had problems conceiving, but eventually she had a baby boy and a year later another boy. In 1984 she had a miscarriage. The talk about this event was different than what had preceded and even what was to follow. She had begun to talk about this matter on her own and had described to me her unpleasant experience. She was taken to the hospital, where she was left in the wheel chair, in the draughty corridor. No one took any notice of her for a long time, and she thought that they must have forgotten about her. She felt terrible. The cold and the pains, she did not know what to do, eventually she had begun to cry. She thought that she had caught a chill there, because the pains in her joints had begun since then. Often one of the joints became a little swollen and sore, most often the left shoulder, both knees or the basic joints on her thumbs. I pointed out that the laboratory rheumatological testing was negative. Warmth helped her and she liked it, because essentially she is a chilly person, but the sun did not do any good to her joints, it even gave her a little headache. She suffered from migraines, often a day before or on the first day of her menstruation. There was a pain underneath her eyes, more on the left side, she could not touch her lids or look up, sometimes she even vomited. Long walks on fresh air helped her. Psychologically she characterised herself as being nervy, worrying about her children, but usually keeping it for herself. She regarded her marriage as being quite a happy one, without any fundamental problems. It was difficult to find out more about her. Mostly I had received only general answers. She became more talkative only while describing the event that marked the beginning of her troubles. I had laid this onto the pan of the scales to Natrium muriaticum, which had now almost explicitly outweighed Sepia, which I had also considered. Her current condition was close to the remedy China, I think that it could have helped her, but my aim was not to treat her current condition. I therefore gave her Natrium muriaticum D 200 in three consecutive doses. I was in doubt how to deal with the classical treatment, so I had recommended a gradual withdrawal of Salofalk in case there is an improvement. I expected her to come in a few weeks for a prescription, but she came only after six months, and only because she was afraid to stop taking the medication completely on her own. Forgive me the remark that in those six months I had lost some points that I might have charged to the insurance company, which in turn had gained several thousand crowns saved on the medication. But this is beside the point. The important thing is that the diarrhoea had ceased within three weeks. Two months later she had painful joints, for about two weeks. There was no migraine since then. I do not know, which of the Hering's laws had worked, perhaps the one about the symptoms in a reverse order. If that is the case, the migraine might come back, as she has had it since eighteen years of age. Or was it the law that states the first to improve are the deeply laid pathologies? I admit that I had sought objective proof of the success of homeopathic treatment, and therefore I had suggested to the patient to go for control at the gastroentrology, which was already booked a long time before this. She told me that she had no problems, and that she would rather skip this unpleasant examination. Not to pretend that all was this simple, I have to add that the lady came to me one more time. Once again, her joints were sore. I asked her to come back in a fortnight, to decide if Natrium muriaticum should be repeated. That was three months ago and the patient has not come back. Very interesting is the report by Dr. Josef Kreml about his homeopathic treatment of the often really hopeless problem, called Enuresis nocturna. I cite from the magazine Homeopatie No. 3: It describes the involuntary wetting of one's bed, which does not cease after the fourth year of life or reappears at a later age, after a period of cleanliness that lasted for at least one year. Nowadays the opinion that it is simply belated or detained control of urination prevails. A certain immaturity of the nervous system is supposed to be the cause. Enuresis belongs to the diseases particularly suited to homeopathic treatment, when the illness lasts long and the classical medical treatment is without success. Before any homeopathic treatment it should be ascertained that there is no previous problem or inflammation. All our patients were urologically and nefrologically examined (sometimes repeatedly), with negative results. During the last two years I have treated 27 children. Their average age was 9,4 years. It was constitutional treatment with high potencies used. Out of the 27 I have 21 still under control. Six, after receiving the remedy, have not come back even when invited (in my experience, those who have no problems do not come back). With the 21 children I have used in treatment: NATRIUM MURIATICUM 12x SEPIA 2x ARSENICUM ALBUM 1x CALCIUM PHOSPHORICUM 3x NATRIUM SULFURICUM 1x SILICEA 1x The case of SEPIA A fourteen year old young lady, who wets her bed since five years of age. The wetting had stopped at eighteen months, till the age of five it did not continue. The bedwetting appeared a year after she had meningitis, while she had mumps. At the time when she came to me, seven months ago, she wetted her bed every night. "It's going to ruin me," said this pretty and self-conscious young lady, though there was a moisture in her eyes, she does not cry. "I cannot stay overnight anywhere, I could not go to the boarding school to learn what I want to do, how would I look," she continued. She wanted to be in the cosmetics. The parents were devastated, and as till the age of five she had not wetted her bed they blamed any health clinic - "you could not imagine how many places we've been to," said the mother. The young lady has a straight figure, with sharply defined facial features, which is pleasing to the first sight. She is stubborn, unable to withstand any touch, let alone a consolation. If her appearance is criticised, she takes an offence like a "princess", and goes to her room. She cries, more out of fury than for any other reason. The enuresis happens one hour after falling asleep, as the family had observed in those years. After meningitis, inflammations of urinary tracts have appeared, despite of the negative results of repeated nefrological and urological tests, enuresis had remained. The gynaecological test had revealed a slightly turned womb. In childhood there was frequently flue and tonsillitis. At school she likes the history lessons and crochet, among her hobbies is horse riding at the club in their village. 1st. choice Sepia D 200, the nightly wetting had ceased and appeared three times in the course of one month. According to her mother, the daughter is "different", she does not rage so often, communicates easier not only with her friends but also at home. 2nd. choice Sepia D 200 1x a month, control after four months, no more bedwetting, despite of not following the drinking rules recommended by the psychiatrist. The question often asked in connection with homeopathy is whether it can cure cancer. The adherents of various schools of homeopathy (the problem of different concepts in homeopathy will be dealt with later) have various answers. The classical homeopaths, that is homeopaths at verbatim, say this: Cancer is no different to any other serious disease, when homeopathically treated. This means that the patient must be given the remedy based on totality of the symptoms (not only on cancer) and all depends on the overall condition. If the disease is already developed or even metastasising, if the functioning of some inner organ is affected, it means that the vital forces of the patient, the dynamis, must be weakened, if it allowed such changes to occur. Then there is little hope of a total cure. Even then it is possible to use homeopathic remedies to ease or remove pains, to improve the quality of life, to ease the related problems such as insomnia, want of appetite, etc., perhaps to ease the effects of allopathic therapy such as loss of hair, headache, etc. It is also possible to use the homeopathic post operational medication to speed up the healing of surgical wounds and convalescence of the patient. Such a palliative treatment is used in homeopathy when there already are significant structural changes as a result of the chronic disease and a substantial weakening of the dynamis. In the early stages of cancer there is certain hope, supported by the practical knowledge of generations of homeopaths, that the disease may be cured by a non-invasive method. Such diseases, meaning always a serious constitutional affliction, can be treated only by very experienced homeopaths. J.T. Kent writes about the cases of cancer, cured in his practice. So do many other doctors. There are many publications on this theme, for instance J.H. Clarke: Therapeutics of Cancer, E. Jones: Cancer and its Cause, Symptoms and Treatment, Bradley: Cancer and Miasmatics. Also the American doctor E. Hubbard Writh in her Fast Course of Homeopathy, translated into Czech, mentions a successful treatment of a case of leukaemia, which was eventually spoiled by the action of an allopath. This is generally the problem in cases of serious diseases, the patient is under a long lasting allopathic treatment, during which the condition may be worsening, but nevertheless this means some assurance to them. However, homeopathy in treatment of chronic diseases (if it follows its real aim, the total and lasting cure), cannot be a supplementary treatment. An allopathic medication interferes with the effects of homeopathic remedy. This means that the patient has a very difficult choice, one or the other, which in our land obviously does not come into consideration, as practically all our homeopaths are now, in 1994, not through their own fault, beginners in various stages of development. Homeopathy however is enormously important in prevention of cancer. The correctly applied remedy prevents the person's descend on the stairs of health. The homeopathic constitutional treatment has preventative effect on all serious chronic diseases, as well as on any other diseases. The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS is another new chronic disease (after AIDS) that gets a great deal of publicity. It has been estimated that only in the USA millions suffer from it, and further millions elsewhere in the world. It manifests mainly through a constant heavy pathological tiredness, which never leaves, does not improve through any rest, with any movement being followed by the sense of unendurable burden. A break down of immunity is also evident. Scientists have found a virus, which was supposed to be the cause of the disease. However, later it appeared that almost every person has the virus, which under certain circumstances may become activated (which is the case with an overwhelming majority of all viruses and bacteria). The cause therefore is the "certain circumstances". The allopathic medicine hence does not know the cause of the disease. It does not know how to treat it. In October 1992 a doctor, psychiatrist of a robust figure, aged over forty years, came to visit me and asked to be homeopatically treated. She suffered from a long lasting, heavy chronic fatigue. She and her colleagues had tried various medications, without avail. One colleague suggested that her condition could be caused by a virus. She gave the following information: Heavy and continued fatigue, "as if leaden, dragging along like a snail, a Lazarus", even the effort required to lift the blanket in bed is so great that the blanket seems to be made of lead. She feels a heavy load in the small of the back spilling into the rest of the body. A sense of pain in the limbs with any exertion and sometimes even when at rest. Sleepiness. Feelings that she cannot fulfil her duties. Her health is weakened, often she has the flue (she says "permanently"), but without temperature, an incessant cough. Often suffers from bronchitis, mostly in the spring, throughout the summer, until the autumn. Difficulties with breathing when negotiating hills, with any activity, at the beginning of winter. She characterised it as "a touch of asthma". Slow to do any work. Swollen glands in the armpits and near her breasts. Cold, stuffy nose, particularly at night. Psychologically she describes herself as being submissive, without ambitions, conscientious, afraid of public appearances (work meetings, etc.), ashamed of her illness, wanting to hide it from others. Loss of memory, she forgets people's names. She enjoys company, does not like being alone. General information: Chilliness. Sweats often with exertion or at rest, but not at night. The history: Frequently had tonsillitis, pneumonia twice, the first time on the left side, the second time on the right side. She used to suffer from migraines. I gave her one dose of Lycopodium C 200. She came to the control five months later. She stated that after the application of the remedy for some time she had felt "disarranged, as if something was coming to her", then her temperature went to 38.5§C, for the first time in years she has had a risen temperature. Rising of the temperature is always perceived as a curative reaction of the body, as its activation. When absent in an illness that normally would be accompanied by temperature, it is always a warning sign. Soon after receiving the remedy, the swollen glands by the breasts have subsided. A couple of times there was a headache. About four months after the remedy was applied, the fatigue had suddenly disappeared. The cough had stopped. She said that she felt wonderful. For years she had not experienced such joy in her life. This improvement had lasted for about three weeks, then the problems, mainly the tiredness, came back. She was given Lycopodium C 200 again. This time, however, the troubles continued without a change after the application. In time she was therefore given Silicea C 30, after which there was a fast withdrawal of all symptoms, the improvement lasted for several months. Then she stated that she again felt tired occasionally. She was given Silicea D 1000. Since then I saw her only once, in the crowd at the homeopathic seminar for medical doctors, which I had organised. She was smiling and did not say anything. Obviously she did not need me any more.
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