Joint and Gallbladder Pain, Insomnia…
47-Year-Old Woman. Due to her health issues, she has been forced to take painkillers long-term. X-rays revealed joint tissue deterioration. She primarily experiences pain in her left wrist, making it impossible to perform simple tasks like opening a water bottle or slicing bread. The pain persists even at rest, disrupting her sleep—she wakes up around 3 a.m. every night and struggles to fall back asleep.
Since losing the ability to use her left hand for daily tasks, she recently began experiencing tendon pain in her right forearm due to increased strain. She also experiences hip pain when climbing stairs. Once every two weeks, red, itchy skin patches appear randomly on her body and disappear within an hour.
Over the weekend, she suffers severe, persistent pain under her right rib, which she attributes to her gallbladder. This pain lasts for several hours. During June and July, she experiences allergic reactions to pollen, including nasal discharge and bronchial irritation.
Recommended Treatment:
- Two weeks: 4.5 l, every other day, alternating BB and B.
- Two weeks: 6 l, every other day, alternating BB and B.
One-Month Follow-Up:
Her left wrist subjectively improved, allowing more activity. She described sleeping through the night without pain as a life-changing experience. Hip pain also showed slight improvement. While using a lower potency, she experienced familiar gallbladder pain for one day, but it did not escalate and has not returned.
A red skin patch reappeared, more visually pronounced than before, but localized to the wrist and fingers rather than the face. However, it no longer caused chills or severe itching. She briefly experienced old symptoms, including hemorrhoids and gum pain, which soon disappeared.
She also had a more painful menstrual cycle than usual and recalled struggling with constipation, which she hadn’t mentioned earlier. She typically had bowel movements once every three days. She also reported mild sinus discomfort, resembling the onset of the flu.
- Continue with 6 l, every other day, alternating BB and B.
- Try SV instead of BB to see if any differences occur.
Two-Month Follow-Up:
After trying BS, her bowel movements normalized, occurring daily, and constipation resolved. The flu-like symptoms did not worsen and subsided within days. Her wrist continued to improve—she could wring out a mop and unscrew water bottles. Finger strength also increased.
She occasionally experienced slightly poorer sleep compared to the previous visit and reported a new symptom—an occasional eye twitch. Mild but noticeable pressure under her ribs also developed.
- Continue with 6 l, every three days, alternating BB and B.
- One month before the next visit, increase to 7.5 l, every three days, alternating BB and B.
Two-Month Follow-Up:
The eye twitch disappeared. Hip pain resolved. Doctors had previously recommended wrist surgery, claiming it wouldn’t heal on its own. She is now able to fully bear weight on her wrist without discomfort. The pressure under her ribs also vanished.
Sleep issues persisted but were less frequent. No other problems were reported.
- Continue with 7.5 l, alternating BB and B, every three days.
- After one month, reduce frequency to once a week.
- Introduce Prana 2, 1 l, in a separate bottle for occasional use to improve sleep.
Three-Month Follow-Up:
Her sleep significantly improved after using Prana preparation. She experienced hip pain for a few days, which resolved on its own. The eye twitch returned and became more frequent. She felt flu-like symptoms, but they disappeared after two days.
She began jogging without hip pain and resumed push-ups, demonstrating full wrist recovery and increased strength.
- Continue with 7.5 l, alternating BB and B, once a week.
Three-Month Follow-Up:
She felt mentally well, and her sleep quality remained good after using the Prana preparation. She developed pain in her right wrist and elbow, which persisted for over a month but did not prevent her from performing daily tasks.
- Two weeks: Return to 6 l, alternating BB and B, every three days.
- If no improvement, increase to 9 l, alternating BB and B, every three days.
Why return to 6 l? This potency initially caused significant improvement in major symptoms. She later transitioned to 7.5 l, where progress continued for several months but eventually plateaued. At that time, the three-month lifespan of the preparation had expired. Returning to the previously effective potency often yields rapid results. If no improvement occurs, a higher potency can be introduced.
Three-Month Follow-Up:
By the second week on 6 l, she experienced significant improvement in joint pain. She could support herself with her hands, exercise, and perform daily tasks without restrictions.
She reduced her application frequency to once a week in May. Sleep remained undisturbed. Gallbladder pain returned briefly for one day but resolved on its own. Her eyesight worsened, particularly when reading in the evening, which she identified as her main current issue.
- Continue with the effective 6 l, alternating BB and B, for improvements.
- Transition to 50 l, B, once a month.
Three-Month Follow-Up:
Her eyesight improved, allowing her to read comfortably in the evenings. All previous chronic issues resolved. She injured her knee while hiking, but it healed quickly without intervention. She felt great and recognized the importance of maintaining autopathy for preventive care.
- 50 l, B, once every six weeks.
Six-Month Follow-Up:
Her symptom journal now had blank pages—she had nothing to report other than feeling completely healthy. She experienced minor gallbladder pain for a few hours one day, but nothing else.
- Use 50 l autopathy only if symptoms persist for three or more days.
- Allow minor, short-term symptoms to resolve naturally.
- If necessary, use the last effective potency to address any issues.