Looking back at the conference on autopathy 2020

11.2.2020 | Filip Cehovsky | filip.cehovsky@alternativa.cz

What have we learned from the twelve presentations at the recent twelfth conference? In the first place that autopathy is work, a long-term one. Before the cessation of lifelong anxieties, migraines, tiredness, gout, allergies, before the improvement of health condition of a person who has diabetes, frequent flu and colds, before the improvement of a life feeling of someone, who has been feeling permanently bad, it takes a while, it is not simple and we have to employ all the know-how that we have to our disposal. Autopathy has arrived at a level of knowledge, when it is successful, when the long-term problems not only improve, but often disappear.

These were the presentations:

Pavel Miklus: Happy mother – use of autopathy during pregnancy and healing of recurring migraines, Anxiety states – about a woman, who with preparation from Prana removed negative feelings and changed her life.

Lenka Pomnenka: Good experience with autopathic healing of plants.

Vladimir Galba: A woman’s storydigestive and urological problems; A man’s storygout and skin disorders; A boy’s story – recurring inflammation of the middle ear, strongly reduced hearing

Krystof Cehovsky: Experiences from my practice – Problems with gall bladder and digestive problems

Ing. Jiri Nyvlt: A case of chronic psychic problems; Relationship to the praxis of classical Vedic yoga.

Milada Kundratova: My healing from Z to A – experiences with self-healing

Dr. Martina Kormundova:  Polyarthritis and vertebrogenic algic syndrome; Pollinosis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, fatigue syndrome; Lyme disease; Young‘s osteosarcoma in a boy; Reflection about why some problems are successfully resolved and others fail despite optimal treatment, obstacles to treatment and healing

Jiri Cehovsky:  Depression, anxiety, fear, insomnia, allergy and pain in joints and how to get rid of it. Two cases.

Alena Palova: How I apply and disseminate autopathy in Slovakia

Dr. Tomas Lebenhart: Diabetes I; Smoker with depression; Chronic catarrh of Eustachian tubes; Bronchial asthma

Veronika Kucerova: Autopathy and loss of illusions. How autopathy can help to heal one’s own potential. Insights from the practice of psychologist and autopath.

Jan Matyas: Tools of an autopathy counselor in handling cases; Case reports

Jiri Cehovsky: Conclusions – Lessons from the conference, summary.

No one cancelled his/her lecture because of a flu, no coughing could be heard from the audience, but pragmatic questions and perceptions instead. The working atmosphere was friendly, as we are used to it also from the previous years.


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