Dear Mr. Cehovsky,
I am writing to you to share my joy of being cured and also to thank you that thanks to you I learned about autopathy. This year, I was for the first time able to enjoy the holidays and this without itching and ugly open lesions, patches on the skin, eruptions, etc.! According to other people, I am free of it, but my critical and always observing eye is always unhappy with something. But that is me, and now and again I get afraid that it would all return someday, but I know now, how to defeat it “in case it comes”. People praise my permanent good mood and ask me, why this change. The reply is still unknown to them, but they are interested and I hope that they will not be influenced by unnecessary biases until they try it themselves. In one week I have a master degree examination, but I can say that I am well prepared for it and quite calm. I even stopped to bite my nails and all this within 4 months!! And that (according to the doctors) I will have to live with it my whole life, that it is uncurable…, so to you my GREAT THANKS! I use autopathy now only in a preventive way, when there is a small reaction at something, but the problems that I had before are gone! FINALLY!! I sleep so well now that I can sleep like a log where I lie down (this is quite a difference to the 2 hours sleep as it was before) and all ulcers etc. disappeared. Simply, I feel newly born. I also have an excellent experience with angina and autopathy. I have always suffered from swollen tonsils that were so bad that they gave me medicines for reduction of the swelling so that I could breathe, many antibiotics, terrible pain in the throat, huge abscesses, terribly runny nose, etc. With application of autopathy, the course of the angina was lighter and mainly much quicker and without antibiotics and various pills, and this is the main thing!! With autopathy it took only one week. The process was such that in the first three days the runny nose was so bad that I had breathing difficulties, but I did not take any drops for the nose and on the 4th day it disappeared. Although I had abscesses in the throat, these did not hurt and they disappeared alone after two days. Temperature was higher only one day. As I say, in one week it was all over. And also many other smaller problems have disappeared, they seem smaller to me only now, when I summarize everything where autopathy had helped me. It helps also my father and I am glad that he had let me persuade him. And so I thank you very much again and I hope that with this method I will be able to help also other people./…/
Best regards,
Monika Madlova