My experiences with autopathy

14.9.2017 | Kveta Bartoskova Zazvorkova |

I have been a healer for 20 years. Supposedly I have taken after my ancestors. I was perhaps born with a kind of distance to physicians. Not that I would disrespect them, on the contrary, I have a great respect for experts in their field and I often deeply bow to them. Nevertheless, I use the healing power of herbs, prefer healthy life style and actually everything, which corresponds with the knowledge that I have gained over the years about how we, people and other living beings, actually function in harmony with the Universe and with the energies of the Universe. I also heal with my hands. According to which principle do we live? When does one actually die? All this is logically explained by the Buddhist philosophy, where also autopathy originates. We are all connected by a silver thread, which reaches from our seventh purple chakra to the Universe. When we are disconnected from it – we die. A human being dies, when the brain ceases to function. The soul leaves the body as it wants to. When the heart stops, the soul had left. Autopathy is based on this logic and it does not matter, if someone believes in it or not. It is a cherry on a cake in alternative healing!

Four years ago, my knees gave in. They simply collapsed. I could not walk at all. At this time, I just completed the course on consultancy in autopathy – the last of the courses that interested me. Having taken several pain killers, I climbed with difficulty the stairs to the second floor of the building in Prague 6, where the course took place. I need to mention that at this time I had not left my flat for almost three months. Since birth I have a wrongly developed hip socket, thus one leg is approximately 2 cm longer. It did not bother me when I was younger. However, in older age it demonstrated itself by limping and pains in the hip. The left side was more exerted all my life, thus also the knees – the largest joints in the whole of the body. I suffered terrible pains, I even cried at night under my blanket.

I am not a hypochondriac and so the whole of my family was very worried about me, they did not know me this way. About three months later, after several applications of autopathy, I went into a little shop near to where I live. I already thought that I am going to manage it easily! I bought a couple of things, paid and went out. Suddenly I felt in my right leg strong convulsions, as if a hundred small gnomes were pulling at it, and were trying to push it back correctly into the hip socket. Unbelievable!! My knees gave in and I had to crawl back home, supporting myself on cars parked along the sidewalk and the house walls. The people looked at me as if a was a drunkard, totally drunk at half past four in the afternoon. I continued with autopathy of course. At this time, I was also afraid of mice (since I was small)! I saw a mouse and went unconscious. I drive a car, but driving a car at night without glasses was a horror for me, I suffered from night blindness. In my puberty, I twisted my shoulder in a fall in such a way that I could not rest my arm on the ground when I was lying on my back, for example when exercising, or only so. Autopathy was for me the last hope for being able to walk, dance, ride the bike again! Thanks to autopathy from prana I got rid of a phobia (it registered with me only later, when my cat had brought me a present for my name day – a mouse, and it did not bother me at all), during some exercising I became aware that the pain in the shoulder is no longer there, nor the pain in the tailbone, which, thanks to a fall when skating, has been hurting me since years. But the greatest surprise was that my night blindness disappeared! When I put on the glasses in the car one evening, I realized that I see worse with them than without! And, since that time, I had not needed them. I continue using autopathy. How to use it helps me reliably my pendulum and it works!!! My husband had problems with the large intestine. Excessive flatulence. I made autopathy from boiled stool for him and diluted it with three litres water. In three weeks, the problem disappeared. I tried also boiled urine – a problem with kidney also disappeared. I even tried it with a drop of blood for inflammation of a vein.  It is an excellent method, which does not harm anybody!!! I started using it for my joints and removed with it also other problems, which bothered me as well, but which were not the main reason for the treatment.  Today I walk again, dance, ride the bicycle. Psychically I am much better off than before. I am now absolutely collected, which was confirmed by a photo of my aura made at an esoteric fair at the castle Kost. And all this thanks to autopathy. I recommend it to everybody, even as a supporting therapy to all kinds of treatment. It stems from the principle of functioning of space energies and human being (and other living beings) in the whole of the Universe. I also healed my cat’s injured leg. Mr. Cehovsky would deserve a Nobel Prize for adapting autopathy from Buddhism and dusting it up. This said Dr. Tomas Lebenhart, a doctor from Klatovy and I join him. He even spoke about autopathy with one of his colleagues on the radio. Supposedly he uses it the most and even prefers it to homeopathy. Autopathy has its logic and for this reason I support it. It has not not disappointed me. On the contrary. Thanks to autopathy, at my age of 66 years, I can jump over the puddles again.

Kveta Bartosova Zazvorkova, Healer


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