
A case of acute inflammation of the gallbladder

11.9.2018 | Jiri Nyvlt

Three years ago, a middle-aged woman started to take part in my classes of classical Vedic yoga. Very soon after that, she experienced symptoms of problems, which she had to solve every day in her private life. Gradually, it appeared that the situation (approximately 1 year of regular yoga practice) …

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I felt all embracing love

21.1.2018 | Michaela Gebert

A contribution from the conference on Autopathy 2017 in Prague

Ladies and Gentlemen. As some of you know, I live a long time in Austria and since 2013 have been disseminating autopathy. It is a Sisyphus work, because the Austrians, and especially the Viennese, do not belong to the most …

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in horses (video)

11.12.2017 | Milos Stanek

Two ponies: Anamnesis – shortness of breath since approximately 2 years, alternately improving and worsening according to conditions (vegetation period, temperature, fodder), reluctance to physical strain. This year foot tenderness – acute relapse. Taking into account that both cases are allergic ailments, I approached it by treating both ailments at …

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Materialist, mistrustful of the method…

19.11.2017 | Katerina Mertl Harudova

More than a year ago a client approached me to help her husband by autopathy. The man was of middle age, a materialist unfamiliar with esotericism, mistrustful of the method. When I had met him, he was uncommunicative, nervous. I had not expected that he will stay with this method. …

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When the good mood is absent

1.11.2017 | Marcela Bertokova


A woman, 60 years old, came to me with strong depressions from which she has been suffering since about five years. She has been taking antidepressant drugs and has been visiting psychiatric consultancy, she whines a lot, cannot sleep at night, has red eyes, frequent headaches, and does not …

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I wish you a wonderful summer – without diving glasses

4.10.2017 | Pavlina Karpetova

Allow me to share with you my happiness about the successful tuning of my son’s organism. He is 14 years old now and since he was small, has been treated only with homeopathic remedies. Last year, however, he got some kind of (what we think was) an allergy, which demonstrated …

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Patient with Morbus Kahler (Multiple myeloma, Plastocytoma)

8.7.2017 | Dr. Martina Kormundova

From a contribution at the Autopathy Conference 2017

Good day, from the many cases I select this one, which seems exemplary to me and where, thanks to Autopathy, the health condition was significantly improved. Also improved was the quality of life and the organism´s immunity and homeostasis was restored.

Multiple …

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How a guinea pig brought my daughter to autopathy

12.3.2017 | Gabriela Novakova

A contribution from the Conference 2017

I started to use homeopathy 25 years ago, after a drastic and ineffective therapy. It is my favourite method. But it is not a simple one. Two years ago, I encountered autopathy, which impressed me by the fact that I work with my own …

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Autopathy in the psychotherapeutic praxis and cancer

9.3.2017 | Mgr. Veronika Kucerova

Part of a lecture presented at the Conference on Autopathy in Prague, January 2016

Dear colleagues and friends of autopathy,

I have considered, which of my experiences with autopathy to present here. There are many successful cases of healing here, of illnesses, for which current medicine cannot offer any solutions …

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Depressive disorder

24.1.2017 | Dr. Martina Kormundova

Contribution from the VIII. Conference on autopathy, 2016

A man, about 50 years of age, university graduate, after the graduation unable to utilize his abilities in life, unable to find a partner and to form a normal relationship and a family, is unemployed, lives with his mother, has several years …

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